Duo Barrenechea
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CDS, DVDs, Books, Articles and more
We have several types of products to offer, such as CDs, DVDs, texts, and so on.
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CDs, DVDs and Books
Brasileirissimo: Encounters
Buy Duo Barrenechea's DVD
Lúcia Barrenechea - Pra Piano
Listen on the streming services
Mignone - Flute and Piano
Buy Mignone's Music sheet
Brincadeira a Cinco
Quinteto Brasilia's CD
The Flute of Francisco Mignone
Triple CD with Sérgio Barrenechea and guests
Paris Moments
French music CD
Presence of Villa-Lobos vol. 1
Buy Cello and Piano CD
Presence of Villa-Lobos vol. 2
Buy Cello and Piano CD
Articles to Download
Intertextuality processes in musical homage
Esthefania Ribeiro Campos and Lucia Silva Barrenechea (DaPesquisa, v. 6, n.8, 2011)
Performing the Imagery of Seresta
Sigridur Malaguti and Sergio Barrenechea (Per Musi, 2018)
Frederico Richter's Inspiratio
Lara Greco and Lucia Barrenechea (Per Musi, v. 16, 2007)
The choro as didactic material for teaching the transverse flute
Larena Franco Araújo and Sergio Barrenechea (ANPPOM, 2007)
Research in Music Brazil: Balance and Perspectives
Lucia Barrenechea (Opus, v. 9, 2003)
The Woodwind Quintet
Sergio Barrenechea (Revista Weril, nº 151 e 152, 2004)
Musical intertextuality as a phenomenon
Lucas de Paula and Lucia Barrenechea (Per Musi, v. 8, 2003)
The Flute Music of Francisco Mignone
Sergio Barrenechea (ANPPOM, 2001)