Sergio Barrenechea

Flutist, teacher and musical researcher


Musical Performance

Sérgio Barrenechea holds a teaching position at UNIRIO´s Instituto Villa-Lobos, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, including research and advising activities at its Graduate Programs, PPGM and PROEMUS. He is been dedicated to the repertoire for flute alone, presenting works of well-known Brazilian composers like Edino Krieger, Camargo Guarnieri, Edmundo Villani-Cortes, Dawid Korenchendler and Guerra-Peixe, besides premieres of composers of the new generations. He performed solo flute recitals such as the one presented in 2015 at the "Canção da Mata" festival, promoted by SESC Amazonas in Manaus, including works by Sigismund von Neukomm, Patápio Silva, Francisco Mignone and so on.
His main research object is the Brazilian music for flute, which lead him to an in-depth study of the work of Francisco Mignone for this instrument. This research resulted in the recording of a triple CD and the publication of a book of scores with this repertoire, as well as several presentations of these works in recitals, concerts and program for radio and television in Brazil and abroad, such as the concert with music by Francisco Mignone for flute and piano, presented in 2017 at the 45th Annual National Flute Association Convention in Minneapolis, MN.
He has performed as soloist with the La Fosse Baroque Ensemble, the Goiás Philharmonic Orchestra, the Youth Orchestra of Brasília, the UNIRIO's Symphonic Orchestra, the Camerata de Esquina, the Orquestra Sinfônica de Goiânia and the Orquestra de Câmara Goyazes. In 2017, he was fortunate to play the frist audition of Rodrigo Chiccheli's "Concertino Nocturno" for flute and strings with Sinfonietta Carioca. He was principal player with the Orquestra Filarmônica de Goiás and acted as extra with the Orquestra do Teatro Nacional Cláudio Santoro and the Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra.

Since 1989, forms with his wife, the pianist Lucia Barrenechea, o Duo Barrenechea, developing intense chamber music activities with the flute and piano combination. In 2019, the Duo celebrates 30 years of playing together. Duo Barrenechea was been awarded with the FUNARTE Award for Classical Music, touring 10 Brazilian cities. They toured the USA in 2010 and 2012, and in 2012, Duo Barrenechea went to Portugal and England for concerts. In 2016, Duo Barrenechea performed at the University of Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria, at the XXXI International Festival of Flautists in Lima, Peru and at the 44th Annual Convention of the National Flute Association in San Diego, USA. In 2017, Duo Barrenechea was invited to perform at the Toronto Latin Flute Festival in Canada.

Since 2005, Sergio Barrenechea has been featured as flutist with Quinteto Brasilia, in several presentations in Brazil and abroad. The group participated in the faculty of the 25th Londrina Music Festival (2005), the Music Festival of Palmas - Paraná (2006). In 2010, the Brasilia Quintet was selected for the II Brazil Music Fair in Belo Horizonte. Between 2013 and 2014, he performed 130 concerts with Quinteto Brasília, as part of Sonora Brasil Project in several Brazilian cities in all reagions of the country. O Quinteto Brasília was invited to perform in Italy at the Tra Amici Festival with concerts in Rome, Pistoia, Montese and Porreta Terme, an event promoted by the Ministry of Defense and the Brazilian Embassy in 2018.
As a performer and promoter of contemporary music, he has presented works of this genre, participating in the concerts of the Center for New Music from 1997 to 1999, and several first performances in several editions of FUNARTE Biennials of Contemporary Music (2007, 2013, 2015 and 2017) in Rio de Janeiro.
He recorded the following Cds with Duo Barrenechea: >Paris Moments (2008), the triple Triplo The Flute Music of Francisco Mignone (2010) with support of FAPERJ. and the CD/DVD “Brasileirissimo: Encounters (2015). Besides that he recorded with Quinteto Brasilia the CD "Brincadeira a cinco (2009).


He maintains a duet of flute and guitar with his colleague Clayton Vetromilla, playing a repertoire of original works and transcriptions. They have played concerts presented at different venues suchas Solar do Jambeiro, Casa da Moeda; UFRJ's Science and Culture Forum; UNIRIO Musical Series, Museum of Earth Sciences (DNPM); Radio MEC, National Historical Museum and Centro Cultural Pró-Música - Juiz de Fora.


Sergio Barrenechea was born in Brasília, Brazil, where he started his musical studies. He was a extension division student of Odette Ernest Dias at UnB and a regular student at Escola de Música de Brasília with Silvana Sócrates Teixeira. He received his BM from the Universidade de Brasília and his MM from The Boston Conservatory, where he was a student of William H.Grass. He received his DMA in Flute Pedagogy and Performance from the University of Iowa and the title of his dissertation is "The Flute Music of Francisco Mignone with an Analysis of the Sonata for Flute and Piano" In the US, Mr. Barrenechea has the opportunity to play in masterclasses for Julius Baker, Walfrid Kujala, Carol Wincenc and Keith Underwood.
He studied conducting with Orlando Leite at Universidade de Brasilia and with Attilio Potto, at the Boston Conservatory. He has conducted the Orquestra de Câmara Goyazes, the Orquestra Sinfônica de Goiânia, the University of Iowa Flute Choir, the UFG's Orchestra, the UNIRIO Symphony Orchestra and the Camerata de Cordas Villa-Lobos. He has been responsible for reactivating UNIRIO's Symphonic Band, providing guidance to wind, percussion and conducting students at Instituto Villa-Lobos.



He also has been in the faculty of the CIVEBRA Musica Festival in Brasilia (2002 a 2005, 2007 e 2009 a 2011), the Festival of Music of Londrina (2005), the Festival "Winter in Festa" in Palmas - Paraná (2006), the Music Festival of Caxias do Sul (2008), the 21st Cultural Winter of UFSJ (2008), (2009), UFRN Music Week (2011) and Unibral Festival (2013), both in Natal-RN, XI e XIIFestivals Eleazar de Carvalho (2009 and 2010) in Fortaleza and of the Festival Conexões Musicais - UFF / UNIRIO (2017 and 2018).
He taught flute masterclasses in several cities in Brazil and abroad, in a variety of venues such as University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in Austria, Universidad Nacional de Música in Peru, Universidade de Aveiro and Conservatório de Música do Porto in Portugal, Hanoi Conservatory of Music in Vietnam, Hartt School of Music and Southern Mississipi University in US. He has been a visiting professor at the UnB Music Department from 2001 to 2002 and was flute professor at Universidade Federal de Goiás from 1992 to 2006. Previously, he taught flute at Centro Cultural Gustav Ritter in Goiânia..

Academic production

In 1997, he published through the Universidade Federal de Goiás publishing house – CEGRAF - the book “Música de Câmara para Flauta”, with works for flute by the Brazilian composer Estércio Marquez Cunha. In 2000, he published a chapter, "Valorizando a tradição e a experimentação: a flauta na música de câmara de Francisco Mignone", in the book Três Estudos Analíticos: Villa-Lobos, Mignone e Camargo Guarnieri, published by the Graduate Program at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. In 2016, publihed the collection of music sheet "The Music for Flute and Piano of Francisco Mignone" with the collaboration of Lucia Barrenechea and Clayton Vetromilla. For more information regarding his academic production, please consult in curriculum at CNPQ's Plataforma Lattes.

Cultural management

He has acted in the direction of Instituto Villa-Lobos of UNIRIO from 2013 to 2021, working to encourage music making in the academic scope. He has been graduate dean of the Master in Music Program at Universidade Federal de Goiás, and of the Master's and Doctorate in Music Program at UNIRIO.
He conceived the Carioca Flute Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the Carioca Flute Orchestra, the Festival Social Orchestras at UNIRIO, and was an important figure in the creation of Festival Conexões Musicais UFF/UNIRIO. He also was a founder and president of the Sociedade Goiana de Música from 2001 to 2006. Besides, he maintains the extension project Collaborative Musical Diffusion which promotes concerts in partnership with Casa França-Brasil, Solar do Jambeiro, CCJF-RJ, Casa do Choro, Museu Villa-Lobos, among others.

Contact Sérgio Barrenechea

To book concerts, master-classes, recordings, lessons, access the form below.